BLAS Routines#
#include <raft/linalg/axpy.cuh>
namespace raft::linalg
template<typename ElementType, typename IndexType, typename InLayoutPolicy, typename OutLayoutPolicy, typename ScalarIdxType>
void axpy(raft::resources const &handle, raft::device_scalar_view<const ElementType, ScalarIdxType> alpha, raft::device_vector_view<const ElementType, IndexType, InLayoutPolicy> x, raft::device_vector_view<ElementType, IndexType, OutLayoutPolicy> y)# axpy function It computes the following equation: y = alpha * x + y
- Parameters:
handle – [in] raft::resources
alpha – [in] raft::device_scalar_view
x – [in] Input vector
y – [inout] Output vector
template<typename ElementType, typename IndexType, typename InLayoutPolicy, typename OutLayoutPolicy, typename ScalarIdxType>
void axpy(raft::resources const &handle, raft::host_scalar_view<const ElementType, ScalarIdxType> alpha, raft::device_vector_view<const ElementType, IndexType, InLayoutPolicy> x, raft::device_vector_view<ElementType, IndexType, OutLayoutPolicy> y)# axpy function It computes the following equation: y = alpha * x + y
- Parameters:
handle – [in] raft::resources
alpha – [in] raft::device_scalar_view
x – [in] Input vector
y – [inout] Output vector
#include <raft/linalg/dot.cuh>
namespace raft::linalg
template<typename ElementType, typename IndexType, typename ScalarIndexType, typename LayoutPolicy1, typename LayoutPolicy2>
void dot(raft::resources const &handle, raft::device_vector_view<const ElementType, IndexType, LayoutPolicy1> x, raft::device_vector_view<const ElementType, IndexType, LayoutPolicy2> y, raft::device_scalar_view<ElementType, ScalarIndexType> out)# Computes the dot product of two vectors.
- Parameters:
handle – [in] raft::resources
x – [in] First input vector
y – [in] Second input vector
out – [out] The output dot product between the x and y vectors.
template<typename ElementType, typename IndexType, typename ScalarIndexType, typename LayoutPolicy1, typename LayoutPolicy2>
void dot(raft::resources const &handle, raft::device_vector_view<const ElementType, IndexType, LayoutPolicy1> x, raft::device_vector_view<const ElementType, IndexType, LayoutPolicy2> y, raft::host_scalar_view<ElementType, ScalarIndexType> out)# Computes the dot product of two vectors.
- Parameters:
handle – [in] raft::resources
x – [in] First input vector
y – [in] Second input vector
out – [out] The output dot product between the x and y vectors.
#include <raft/linalg/gemm.hpp>
namespace raft::linalg
template<typename ValueType, typename IndexType, typename LayoutPolicyX, typename LayoutPolicyY, typename LayoutPolicyZ, typename ScalarIdxType = std::uint32_t, typename ScalarViewType = raft::host_scalar_view<ValueType, ScalarIdxType>, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::disjunction_v<std::is_same<ScalarViewType, raft::host_scalar_view<ValueType, ScalarIdxType>>, std::is_same<ScalarViewType, raft::device_scalar_view<ValueType, ScalarIdxType>>>>>
void gemm(raft::resources const &res, raft::device_matrix_view<ValueType, IndexType, LayoutPolicyX> x, raft::device_matrix_view<ValueType, IndexType, LayoutPolicyY> y, raft::device_matrix_view<ValueType, IndexType, LayoutPolicyZ> z, std::optional<ScalarViewType> alpha = std::nullopt, std::optional<ScalarViewType> beta = std::nullopt)# GEMM function designed for handling all possible combinations of operand layouts (raft::row_major or raft::col_major) with scalars alpha and beta on the host or device It computes the following equation: Z = alpha . X * Y + beta . Z If alpha is not provided, it is assumed to be 1.0 If beta is not provided, it is assumed to be 0.0.
- Template Parameters:
ValueType – Data type of input/output matrices (float/double)
IndexType – Type of index
LayoutPolicyX – layout of X
LayoutPolicyY – layout of Y
LayoutPolicyZ – layout of Z
- Parameters:
res – [in] raft handle
x – [in] input raft::device_matrix_view of size M rows x K columns
y – [in] input raft::device_matrix_view of size K rows x N columns
z – [out] output raft::device_matrix_view of size M rows x N columns
alpha – [in] optional raft::host_scalar_view or raft::device_scalar_view, default 1.0
beta – [in] optional raft::host_scalar_view or raft::device_scalar_view, default 0.0
#include <raft/linalg/gemv.cuh>
namespace raft::linalg
template<typename ValueType, typename IndexType, typename LayoutPolicy, typename ScalarIdxType = std::uint32_t, typename ScalarViewType = raft::host_scalar_view<ValueType, ScalarIdxType>, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::disjunction_v<std::is_same<ScalarViewType, raft::host_scalar_view<ValueType, ScalarIdxType>>, std::is_same<ScalarViewType, raft::device_scalar_view<ValueType, ScalarIdxType>>>>>
void gemv(raft::resources const &handle, raft::device_matrix_view<const ValueType, IndexType, LayoutPolicy> A, raft::device_vector_view<const ValueType, IndexType> x, raft::device_vector_view<ValueType, IndexType> y, std::optional<ScalarViewType> alpha = std::nullopt, std::optional<ScalarViewType> beta = std::nullopt)# GEMV function designed for raft::col_major layout for A It computes y = alpha * op(A) * x + beta * y, where length of y is number of rows in A while length of x is number of columns in A If layout for A is provided as raft::row_major, then a transpose of A is used in the computation, where length of y is number of columns in A while length of x is number of rows in A If alpha is not provided, it is assumed to be 1.0 If beta is not provided, it is assumed to be 0.0.
- Template Parameters:
ValueType – Data type of input/output matrices (float/double)
IndexType – Type of index
LayoutPolicyX – layout of X
LayoutPolicyY – layout of Y
LayoutPolicyZ – layout of Z
- Parameters:
handle – [in] raft handle
A – [in] input raft::device_matrix_view of size (M, N)
x – [in] input raft::device_matrix_view of size (N, 1) if A is raft::col_major, else (M, 1)
y – [out] output raft::device_matrix_view of size (M, 1) if A is raft::col_major, else (N, 1)
alpha – [in] optional raft::host_scalar_view or raft::device_scalar_view, default 1.0
beta – [in] optional raft::host_scalar_view or raft::device_scalar_view, default 0.0